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Bananas for the Brain!

Mr Nunn has been giving out bananas to ALL our Year 11 students before each exam for a great boost of energy and brain power

Mr Nunn has been giving out bananas to ALL our Year 11 students before each exam. Combating 'no time for breakfast' or 'too nervous to eat this morning'. As soon as students come off the bus, they are given what has become known as a 'lucky or magic banana' and a hearty good luck greeting. Mr Nunn has even signed a few with special good luck messages...!

Bananas for the brain...Bananas contain three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber, and gives you an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Bananas highlight potassium, an essential mineral crucial for keeping your brain, nerves, and heart in tip-top shape. Perfect exam food…


If you would like to read more about great energy foods to help you with a little extra pazzazz through this exam period, the BBC have put some interesting facts together, just click on this link for more information... How can food improve your exam performance?